PROGRAMMING_MISC 0929REF.LZH 180224 02-15-93 PROGRAMMING TECHNICAL REF. This manual provides the information necessary to program in the DOS environment. Tables, charts, undocumented features, tutorials & more! Info valid for DOS 2 & 3.x. Well written, organized, comprehensive information. Self-extracting archive.(Over 500k) 1216REF.LZH 196608 02-15-93 DOS REFERENCE Info-filled text for programming DOS. Covers intro/ history, low memory map, interrupts, memory blocks & work areas, file structure, keyboard scan codes, ASCII, IBM PC characters/error codes, hard/floppy info, modem instructions, much more! Archived file. ALGOL.LZH 98304 02-15-93 ALGOL Develop code in structured ALGOL language with many PASCAL constructs like procedures, case, block structures etc. The compiler it converts it to GW BASIC or QUICK BASIC code ready to run! This system works well. Lots of docs & samples. ALLY.LZH 212992 02-15-93 ALLY 2.11 A programmer's workbench and analyzer for AutoLISP. The ALLY analyzer aids in debugging and documenting code by error checking, scoping and cross-referencing symbols. Features: point-and-shoot file selection, DOS shell, more! Rqs, 640k, HD. ASP BIOSDOS.LZH 32768 02-15-93 BIOS-DOS REFERENCE A complete IBM, PC-DOS and BIOS programmers reference. Prints out neat, orderly reference sheets. BNSLIB.LZH 32768 02-15-93 OBJECT MODULE MANAGER Designed expressly for use with Borlands TLINK linkage editor. Allows you to copy, examine, combine, and convert MS LIB libraries to Borlands QLIB format. BTRHLP18.LZH 212992 02-15-93 BTRIEVE FILE MAINTENANCE UTIL Use with Btrieve Apps: Great Plains Acct., IBM Platinum Series, Pacioli 2000 Acct., Galacticomm BBS, Macola, Acct., Xtrieve, Magic PC DBMS, DacEasy, etc. Recovers data, Test files, Edit, Add, Delete, List, Clone, Empty, and more. ASP DIGITOL1.LZH 147456 02-15-93 DIGITIZED VOICE TOOLKIT V1.0 1 of 2 Disks Digitized sound programmer tool-kit. Hardware & software designed to simplify the recording & incorporating of digitized sound into High- level PC programs. Schematics, parts lists & instructions are included for building a inexpensive, surprisingly simple DIGITOL2.LZH 98304 02-15-93 DIGITIZED VOICE TOOLKIT V1.0 2 of 2 Disks sampling device. Play back requires no special hardware. Provides a full set of record/playback routines & a voice data editor. Voice operates in the background leaving foreground operations undisturbed. The sample files sound fantastic! Well documented! EXTOL.LZH 65536 02-15-93 EXTOL V2.1 A programming language designed for Computer- Aided Instruction (CAI). Particularly suited for non-mathematical domains. Developed at Essex University in England, v2.1 is the full implementation plus a few enhancements. Great for creating tutorials. FIGFORTH.LZH 163840 02-15-93 FIG FORTH LANGUAGE Forth is an interactive language that has quite a large following. Complete .ASM source code is provided (in MASM format)! You can extend the language and it is excellent for control applications. A full featured version. FLOW145.LZH 65536 02-15-93 FLOW CHARTER V1.93 Provides a method of displaying complex procedures in a graphic manner. Prints a graphic display using actual flowchart symbols. Several printers supported plus a configurable driver, easy to use, well written. FPCBIN.LZH 131072 02-15-93 FORTH-PC 2 of 3 Disks a system which is fast to compile & run, a FAT system with many tools, which still has room for large application program. Some major features are, separate list & heads to increase space, prefix assembler to enhance readability, assembler supports both FPCDOCS.LZH 98304 02-15-93 FORTH-PC 3 of 3 Disks prefix & postfix syntax for familiarity, full DOS access from system & command levels, handle/path based system, view works across directory boundaries, full-featured, sequential text editor, full DOS memory management, much, much more! FPCHELP.LZH 114688 02-15-93 FORTH-PC 1 of 3 Disks A FORTH programming environment designed with some innovative features. Designed to be familiar with F83 users, not totally strange to C & Pascal programmers, a system which maintains FORTH's interactive nature, FT119.LZH 114688 02-15-93 FILE-TYPE 119 A very interesting and useful program for Hacker's and the curious. Will quickly provide information for any file. Size, compiler, Xmodem and Sealink transfer time, copyright and serial #'s, language, languages supported, much more. Great tool for Hackers FXREF12.LZH 360448 02-15-93 TOOLDRIVER 2.0 An environment for organizing a software project's files and naming conventions. Menu driven! Everything you need to setup, run, view and print output from cross referencing. FileXref and NameChanger included. Rqs, 2meg RAM, HD, 286+, DOS 3.1+. ASP GAGS.LZH 131072 02-15-93 GENERIC ADVENTURE GAME SYSTEM Makes writing your own adventure games as simple as possible. Uses a standard text data file which means easy debugging & expanding. The parser understands dozen's of commands & the documentation is adequate. Not the best but one of the easiest to use. GPSA1.LZH 262144 02-15-93 GPSA 2.12 1 of 3 Disks The General Purpose System Analyzer (GPSA) is a comprehensive COBOL system analysis and documentation package. With a flexible interactive viewing facility and 26 customizable reports, GPSA is designed to support most software maintenance GPSA2.LZH 262144 02-15-93 GPSA 2.12 2 of 3 Disks ....including: impact analysis, system understanding, documentation, quality assurance, and reengineering. Rqs, 640k, HD, DOS 3.3 +, CGA or better. ASP GPSA3.LZH 262144 02-15-93 GPSA 2.12 3 of 3 Disks HELPPC.LZH 262144 02-15-93 HELP-PC 2.0 Program for PC programmers. Help includes BIOS interrupts, DOS interrupts, EMS and Mouse functions, BIOS/DOS data structures, diagnostic codes, DOS commands, 80x86 instructions/directives, C functions & more!. Print data to file/disk. Very comprehensive! INSTBAN.LZH 16384 02-15-93 INSTALLATION BANNER An easy to use install program that you can add to your programs! It's designed to display your message, create directories, call a self extracting archive file, then install it. Best of all it uses less than 13k! MODULA1.LZH 131072 02-15-93 MODULA 2 COMPILER 1 of 2 Disks The Modula-2 Compiler (M2C) proves that you don't have to buy a commercial package to get a full-featured compiler! M2C features the compiler combined with an integrated editor and "make" facility, a program linker, more..... MODULA2.LZH 180224 02-15-93 MODULA 2 COMPILER 1 of 2 Disks The Modula-2 Compiler (M2C) proves that you don't have to buy a commercial package to get a full-featured compiler! M2C features the compiler combined with an integrated editor and "make" facility, a program linker, more. Contd. MODULA2.LZH 180224 02-15-93 MODULA 2 COMPILER 2 of 2 Disks ..... Includes: integrated editor and "make" facility, a program linker, an execution profiler, and a makefile generator. Rqs, 512k, 2 floppy disk drives or a hard drive. MODULTUB.LZH 65536 02-15-93 MODULA 2 TUTORIAL 2 of 2 Disks MODULTUT.LZH 131072 02-15-93 MODULA 2 TUTORIAL 1 of 2 Disks Tutorial with both text and source code examples. From the same author that made C- Tutor. This is a 2 disk set. documentation on disk. OVL312.LZH 131072 02-15-93 OVL VER 3.12 OVERLAY SYSTEM Use with Microsoft LINK for Turbo C, QuickBASIC 4.x, Clipper, BASCOM, MASM & others. Support of multiple overlay areas, separate overlay files, and automatic logging of each overlay access. Increases the power and flexibility of Microsoft LINK. ASP PCSSP.LZH 311296 02-15-93 PC-SCIENTIFIC SUBROUTINE A minimal adaption of the 1960's IBM SHARE tape for MS/PC DOS. Compiles under MicroSoft FORTRAN. Complete with source code. Several hundred Scientific subroutines to be used in your own programs, most every scientific equation used for popular purposes. PROGPAC1.LZH 147456 02-15-93 PROPAK V2.6 1 of 2 Disks Super Programmers Productivity Pak! Highly recommended in reviews by over 10 computer magazines! Has a programmers calculator that works simultaneously in decimal, binary, hexadecimal & octal, macros, keystroke reference for BIOS & INKEY values, ASCII & PROGPAC2.LZH 262144 02-15-93 PROPAK V2.6 2 of 2 Disks color chart, screen capture utility, screen blanking utility that parks hard disk, DOS shell utility, AND, NOT, OR & XOR logical functions & much more in 1 smoothly integrated package. Fully customizable colors, sound effects & more! ASP PROLOG.LZH 311296 02-15-93 PROLOG BY AUTOMATA DESIGN Prolog, a premier language for artificial intelligence. Includes documentation on disk & sample programs. If you like this disk the same company sells full scale versions. Prolog is a very interesting language with powerful capabilities. PROPAK10.LZH 278528 02-15-93 PROPAK LITE VER 1.0 Programmer's Calculator, Keystroke Reference Center, ASCII & Color Attribute Chart, Pop-Up DOS Shell, more. 7k Swapping TSR. Customizeable. A subset of the larger Programmer's Productivity Pack (ProPak). ASP PROPAK26.LZH 278528 02-15-93 PROGRAMMERS PRODUCTIVITY PACK 1 of 2 Disks Includes: programmer's calculator, mathematical functions, ASCII & color attribute chart, keystroke reference, keystroke record & playback, screen grabber, screen capture, access DOS background PRINT facility, pop-up DOS shell, control hot-keys, PROPAK2B.LZH 163840 02-15-93 PROGRAMMERS PRODUCTIVITY PACK 2 of 2 Disks contd. Provides: colors, sound, effects, file extensions, memory usage, and much more in one integrated package. Runs stand-alone or memory resident. All common video and monitor combinations. (Requires 96k). Programmers must have ! ASP PSCREN30.LZH 196608 02-15-93 P~SCREEN VER 3.0 Create Screens, store them in screen libraries, then display screens from programs with just 2-6 lines of code! 3 subprograms included to LINK with QuickBASIC Programs. From Pro~ Formance Software. QUEST21.LZH 262144 02-15-93 QUESTMAKER 2.20 Animated graphical adventure game maker! Create adventures similar to Sierra games using questmaker editors & a PCX compatible paint program. Comes with a sample tutorial game. A great way to make personalized games! Rqs. EGA. HD & 80286 recommended. ASP SBSHAR2.LZH 147456 02-15-93 SCREEN BUILDER V1.20 Create screens with ease using this special program. Will create detailed screen then output them BASIC BLOAD or even turbo C source code. Create animated demos or tutorials as a "screen image file", then run from application programs. Much more. SMAKE20.LZH 262144 02-15-93 SUPER MAKE VER 2.0 Build programs from code kept on many drives and dir, keep object & exes in specified dirs. 3 Memory Models (user defined), 3 languages at a time plus linker, librarian, more! Full featured editor included. MSoft & Borland Compat. by EmmaSoft. ASP SNOBOL4.LZH 245760 02-15-93 SNOBOL 4 VER 2.14 A computer string language for the programmer. This is an easy to learn language yet very powerful! Complete documentation on disk. SUPER135.LZH 131072 02-15-93 SUPER CLIPPER LIBRARY V1.35 Collection of Clipper UDFs that while simple to call, provide a high-level user interface with minimum of "set-up" or "configuration". Develop complete systems very quickly. (i.e. in hours..) TESSERAB.LZH 294912 02-15-93 TES SE RACT VER CXL 5.51 2 of 3 Disks TESSERAC.LZH 245760 02-15-93 TES SE RACT VER CXL 5.51 3 of 3 Disks TESSERAT.LZH 278528 02-15-93 TES SE RACT VER CXL 5.51 1 of 3 Disks Library of routines (.LIB, .OBJ, .TPU files)to allow a developer to write Ram-Resident programs. Also a set of functions that attempts to standardize communication with and between TSR-type programs. A 3 disk set. ASP XLISP.LZH 245760 02-15-93 XLISP LANGUAGE Language preferred by some for artificial intelligence programming. Written by David Betz, appeared in Byte magazine. Documentation on disk, sample programs, the complete language, and C source code all on one disk!